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Season 5, Episode 5: Curiously Unfocused Cruelty

In this episode Kevin and Tony point out that patriotically pervasive cruelty has become blurry, unfocused, and not well thought out. We find that curious, and this episode’s segments bear that out.  First we introduce “Nellie Magdalena,” a middle school principal whose school is re-branded when it’s taken over by the Holistic Pharmaceuticals Corporation.  Even Nellie's inner monologue can’t rescue either her or public education.  Next, Tony and Kevin unclog the spam filter yet again, but once more they prove too naïve to be properly scammed. After that, we’re finally introduced to the “Buddhist Mafia” (and why has it taken so long, you ask? (well Namaste to you too, buddy!)) to study the spiritual side of criminal coercion. Finally, we close the show (like a door on a tardy hand) with another Dan Blanche adventure, in which Dan—the longest serving adjunct writing instructor at Lower Heights Community College—is persecuted by the Molecule Guy.  The Men in Charge advice for today?  “Don’t be like Dan.” 

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