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Are You Ready For Emergencies? #PREPARED Forum Gives Guidance

Prepared forum view
Janean Jorgensen

Between last summer's fires, winter's Wind Storm, and the Michigan water disaster, this past year showed us the importance of being prepared for emergencies. How can we truly prepare for the types of disasters -- natural or man-made -- on the horizon? SPR helped answer some questions at the free forum held March 16, 2016 at Spokane City Hall.

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Jaye Nordling
Jaye Nordling controls the video cameras, recording #Prepared for future broadcast.

Presented by Spokane Public Radio and City Cable 5, admission was free thanks to event donors Journal of Business, Numerica Credit Union, Providence Health Care, and the WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Broadcasts of the forum are planned as follows:

KPBX 91.1: Tuesday, Mar. 22 at 12 p.m.; Thursday, Mar. 24 at 6 p.m.
KSFC 91.9: Sunday, Mar. 20 at noon; Tuesday, Mar. 22 at 10 p.m.;
Thursday, Mar. 24 at 11 a.m.
City Cable 5: Saturday, Mar. 26 at 9 p.m.; Sunday, Mar. 27 at noon;
Wednesday, March 30 at 7 p.m.

Audio of the two-hour discussion is posted below, separated into Hour 1 and Hour 2.

#PREPARED Forum, Hour 2 of 2

A panel of state and local experts sat on the dais in the Spokane City Council Chambers to answer questions. Steve Jackson, SPR host of Morning Edition, guided the discussion towards how prepared we are on a state, regional, local and personal level for natural and man-made disasters. Thanks to Jaye Nordling, John Delay, Spokane City Cable 5, and SPR Volunteers for making the forum possible.


Brian Schaeffer

Brian Schaeffer, Assistant Chief for the Spokane Fire Department
His professional life has spanned nearly 25 years serving in fire departments in the Midwest, acting also as a flight paramedic. He serves on many local and state public safety and health-related committees. He is in the final stages of a doctoral degree from Creighton University, and has lectured on issues including the psychology of Safety and Survival.

Gerry Bozarth

Gerry Bozarth, Disaster Recovery & Public Information Officer for Greater Spokane Emergency Management
He is currently working closely with FEMA to recover disaster expenses from Windstorm 2015. He did the same after "Snowmageden" in 2008-09. Bozarth served 4 years in the U.S. Air Force and another 10 in the Washington Air National Guard as a communication infrasructure technician.

Ozzie Knesovitch


Ozzie Knezovich, Sheriff Spokane County
After being appointed as sheriff in April 2006, he was elected to the office that fall. He is currently serving his third term. 2016 marks his 26th year in the law enforcement profession. Knezovich's responsibilities include managing the County's Department of Emergency Management.

Megan Snow


Megan Snow, Executive Director, American Red Cross serving the Greater Inland Northwest
She helped lead response and recovery efforts during historical disasters including the 2014 Carlton Complex wildfire and the 2015 Inland Northwest Windstorm. Before leading the area's chapter, she served as Communications Manager, responsible for crisis communications responding to disaster situations and developing civic partnerships.

Susan Sjoberg

Susan Sjoberg, Regional Emergency Response Coordinator & Program Manager, Spokane Regional Health District
She oversees the region's plans of action for large-scale emergencies, coordinating with heath organizations in ten counties and three tribal nations. Her 18 years of public health experience includes 8 years of public health preparedness.

Marcus Riccelli, Washington State Representative
The City of Spokane's member of the House of Representatives is vice chair of the Health Care & Wellness Committee for the 2015 Legislative Session. A graduate of Mead High School, he received a BA from Gonzaga University and a Master of Public Administration in 2007 from the University of Washington.



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